The hobby of reading books can cause chaos if you don’t manage it properly. Stacks of books caused by lack of space are always a problem for storage, especially for those of you who have a limited area. Having a reading nook is great for separating a room and providing a personal area to make reading more comfortable, but wall shelves or stacks of books arranged in such a way can enhance the style of the interior you have.
Home libraries may sound foreign to some, and if you think that this area requires a large amount of space and money then you are totally wrong. This home library idea can not only be applied to any style of space, they can also blend into narrow areas that will later become part of the interior decoration.
So, if you have plans to build a home library as part of your hobby, here are some types and inspiration for you to know!
Home Library Walls
This home library design is the most popular and is often seen in modern homes. Living room furnished with wall shelves stocked with books in the right color and size arrangements. The size of the tall bookshelf fills the void with a collection of books and a collection of decorative items on each shelf. In addition, the library of this type of house is usually filled with natural light coming in from behind large windows or glass doors.
Mezzanine Home Library
Having high ceilings makes the atmosphere in the room feel brighter and more airy. If possible, you can add a floor using a mezzanine that is installed close to the ceiling of the house. Take advantage of this area to become a mezzanine home library that looks trendy from every angle you look at it. Give access to your mini library with a ladder that gives a classic impression and is easy to use.
Minimalist Home Library
For those of you who have a minimalist room or apply an open concept, you can follow the home library design above! It provides a comfortable area while still being connected to the outdoors. Even though your library is small, it still feels spacious by minimizing the use of furniture. Of course, this home library will be everyone’s favorite especially for those who want to bring a more natural feel into the room.
Built-in Home Library
If you don’t want your home library to look cluttered then you will like the built-in shelving design. Utilizing the depth of the walls of the house as part of a bookshelf, apart from that this wall shelf is the best area to show off your other collection items. Even though this bookcase design cannot be moved, it is very effective in getting around space limitations.