5 Tips To Beautify Modern Gardens For Small Space


Having a minimalist house with a small garden doesn’t mean you can’t make it look beautiful. Indeed, here you have to be smart in dealing with limited space, both in terms of choosing types of plants, arranging furniture, to creating mini landscapes that don’t take up much space.

For those of you who find it difficult how to decorate a small garden, today I want to show you some tips and easy ways to beautify the modern garden that feels comfortable in a limited area. Dealing with a small garden is indeed a little complicated, apart from the limited area, you have to be smart in managing and arranging the existing plants. Here are some tips that can help you.

1. Choose and arrange plants that don’t take up much space

For a small garden, you have to choose the type of plants that are not large. Several types of flower plants, taro or philodendron are the most popular types of plants. If you don’t have land, you can use pots or plant racks as part of the décor.


2. Garden table and chairs

Create a comfortable area in your small garden by placing outdoor furniture such as tables and chairs. This area will become a favorite area when you want to relax outside, while attractive furniture designs will beautify your garden landscape.


3. Natural barrier for added privacy

Anyone would want to maintain their privacy when outside the room. If it is not possible to build a fence or wall, you can create a natural barrier of plants. Create a bulkhead or natural barrier using a row of bamboo plants or plants that resemble the fence.


4. Garden path as main access

A garden path or walkway is essential for a small garden. This path will keep you on the right track without fear of damaging the plants. You can make them out of stone, sand or wood for a natural look.


5. Vertical garden

Take advantage of the fence or wall area to place more plants. You can create a vertical garden with shelves or hang them around a fence.


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