If there’s anything exciting about home decor, it should be plants and a DIY project all together, like this terrarium lamp idea I came up with after I searched Pinterest for some quirky DIYs. This idea has actually been in my head for a long time, and I started by looking for certain items namely jars with thick cork lids and light fixtures which required much higher skill. And just when I thought that was a mistake, it turns out there’s an even easier way to create a DIY lamp with a terrarium.
Required materials
Finally, I replaced the cork with a metal lid because it was thinner than the one with the cork and most light fixtures are made for jars. Next, I searched for DIY light kits that are easy to install. In this case, you can easily find it online or look for it at your nearest hardware store, before making sure that the lamp kit is equipped with a plug and cable.
If you already have everything you need for a DIY lamp, it’s time to create your own terrarium setup. Some materials you may need to buy, such as certain types of terrarium plants to planting media in jars.
Constraints in making terrarium lamps
Terrarium lamps may look amazing, but they are actually not as easy as you might think. The most difficult thing is actually looking for plants. If you already have a covered terrarium at home or have seen someone who has, I recommend using a few pieces from it. You can find plant cooks online or look for them outside for a fun activity.
How to make a terrarium lamp
First, put some clay pebbles in the very bottom as drainage. Spread sphagnum moss and then charcoal over the top to prevent mold and bacteria buildup. Cover it again with soil, then use a piece of cork on the stick that came with the kit to move it and position the plant. After the plants are finished adding, all that’s left is sand and decorative stones, or you can also add anything else you want to beautify your terrarium lamp. Finally, carefully add the lights by punching a hole in the top of the metal jar lid as a place to place the light kit and wires.