Entering the month of Ramadan, which is only a few days away, all Muslims have been waiting for it with great joy. Ramadan is a month full of blessings, and if you want to be more solemn in your worship, then you can start by decorating your house in the style of Ramadan. This year has been the most memorable month of Ramadan for our little family, the children have started to grow and this year’s Ramadan is their first fast.
I had to find a way to make Ramadan fun for the kids. We started by decorating their room, adding Ramadan accessories, to creating a prayer room that made the little ones even more excited. We talked about the different religions and cultures in our environment. When Ramadan arrives, I want the children to be able to learn to be more solemn in carrying out their worship during Ramadan.
Luckily, there are lots of Ramadan decorating inspiration for kids available on the internet. Despite the many cute and adorable ideas, I’ve finally rounded up 10 of our favorites. Hope you like it too!
1. Children’s room is the first thing we aim for during Ramadan. I love the idea of building a mosque out of cardboard as well as stunning DIY wall hangings.
2. Bring the nuances of Ramadan with the right lighting ideas. You can invite your little one to make lanterns in a cool Moroccan style.
3. Banners are the easiest way to celebrate Ramadan. Install a banner in the children’s room, you can also add a star decoration on the wall.
4. If your little one is starting to learn to fast, put a Ramadan calendar to make them even more excited.
5. Kids reading nook is also decorated with Ramadan theme. Build a small DIY mosque in the corner of the room as a place to read.
6. It doesn’t have to be expensive, in fact you only need to use washi tape to make beautiful Ramadan decorations for kids.
7. During Ramadan, usually your little one will feel lazy to study. You can change their study room to be more fun with a Ramadan theme. Besides being a study room, this area can also be a place to read the Qur’an.
8. Kids sometimes need encouragement so that they are more diligent in worship. To make your little one more enthusiastic, try decorating the prayer room with a beautiful Ramadan theme.
9. Placing banners or wall hangings with the theme of Ramadan is the easiest way and doesn’t cost a lot of money.
10. Baskets or toy storage areas can also be decorated with Ramadan accents. Place a string light in the shape of a star as a basket decoration.