Entering a new school in college, the student is not unusual to stay in dorm life. They Share 15 x 15 room with one window is an unavoidable reality of higher learning experience, although some students have better luck with occupy their own space. Dorm room does not have to be dull, scattered belongings and almost like a warehouse. It can be a cool dorm room that is warm and inviting atmosphere where all people want to come. Living in a dorm is the first time you do not have time for mom and dad to comply with silly rules, you can freely adjust yourself and dare to determine what you should do. Making your own dorm room like a little heaven on earth, in this article you will find a variety of designs to suit dorm room your world. Such as photo gallery, room lighting, wall sticker, bedding and much more. Here are 20 college dorm room ideas that I took just for students who are ready to head back to school this month, enjoy!