Soon we’ll be welcoming the scariest holiday of the year, and if you don’t have any plans to add any Halloween decorations yet, why not give it a try? We love indoor plants. They are one of the decorating elements that make any room feel beautiful and fresh.
They’re absolutely loved by everyone, inexpensive, blend in anywhere, but they’re also easy to become part of your Halloween theme. Use carved pumpkins into pots, skulls as plant vases, or coffin-shaped plant shelves. Halloween plant decoration ideas really make this year’s Halloween even more festive. Forget jack-o-lanterns and decorate your plants and planters instead. After all, you love them more so there’s no reason to bring plants as part of a Halloween party.
There are several easy ways to make plants look scary. The first step is to decorate the pots or cover them with spooky things. For example, you can make a pot in the shape of a ghost, a mummy, or make a pot from a fake skull. It can be put on a shelf or hang it, any idea still looks awesome.
We love the coffin-shaped plant rack design to the mini garden with a grave feel in a glass bowl. Plus, you can even create your own unusual types of plants or combine them with a spooky theme. For example, add a fake snake that looks like it’s part of a vine, creepy eyeballs as a fruit, or some other creepy plant shape. Here we’ve rounded up some inspiring DIY Halloween plant projects!