20 Tropical Bamboo Pergola Ideas That Like A Holiday


Relaxing with family feels even more fun by building an outdoor retreat, you can do this by utilizing the vacant land in the yard or backyard. If you missed the holiday atmosphere at home, it may be time to consider a simple bamboo pergola and do not spend a lot of budget.

Bamboo is a natural material that is often synonymous with tropical nuances. It is flexible, flexible, and minimal maintenance. That’s why today bamboo is often the choice for those who want to create a natural feel and look beautiful in their homes. This time I want to invite you to consider this natural material as a bamboo pergola. In addition to the relatively cheap price, bamboo pergolas can also be changed in such a way with a very attractive design. From bamboo pergolas as a favorite choice for relaxing to bamboo pergolas that blend into the outdoor landscape, you can create everything quickly.

Want to bring a tropical holiday feel to your outdoors? Here are some simple tips and steps for you to be inspired!


Place the bamboo pergola in the right area

If you decide to choose a bamboo pergola, first make sure which area you want to give the pergola. Is it on the front, back or side pages? or you want to make it part of the house such as placing it in the carport or rooftop? First make sure the location of the bamboo pergola that you want to install, then adjust it to your needs.


Adding vines

Basically, bamboo is a natural material that is suitable to be combined with various types of plants. That’s the reason a lot of bamboo pergola decorated with creepers like betel, bougainvillea, morning glory, and much more. These vines add a natural feel that makes you feel comfortable, and protects from the sun.


Cozy sitting area for outdoor retreat

The main purpose of adding a bamboo pergola is giving you and your family outdoor retreat or a favorite relaxing spot. To support your wishes, add a comfortable sitting area that can accommodate all family members or friends who come to visit. This area can be an alternative to an outdoor living room or when you want to hold a dining party outside.


Blending into the garden landscape

The best part about bamboo pergolas is that they blend into the garden landscape. Placing it outdoors surrounded by lots of plants will make it even more beautiful. Elements of bamboo and greenery make anyone can feel relaxed and cozy.

Here are our favorite bamboo pergola ideas!
















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